efficiency, transparency and dynamic performance
the best technology ensures the best processing experience

The Minder methodology is a holistic system enabling implementation of the most advanced features to address an occupational or non-occupational disability resulting in optimum outcome for the person with the disability at the lowest possible cost to those responsible for treatment and recovery. This creates the perfect environment for return to gainful and sustainable employment, benefiting not only the person concerned but their loved ones as well, without burdening the community at large with requests for support.
Minder methodology is applicable to all administrators involved in the treatment and recovery of a person's occupational or non-occupational injury or illness including insurance companies, producers, Third Party Administrators (TPAs) and self-insureds.
The use of disparate systems in administering occupational and non-occupational treatment and rehabilitation processes has resulted in less than optimum outcomes and incurred much higher costs caused by many factors including leakage.
Minder is a function rich system addressing the broad spectrum of processes associated with treatment and recovery from the recording of the incident that caused the injury/illness through to the tracking of the person's return to gainful and sustained employment.
Minder has cutting edge looks, ease of use, efficiency, transparency and dynamic performance with uncompromising quality and exceptional build quality to deliver an unrivaled processing experience. The best technology ensures the best processing experience.
the 21st century workforce is nationally, racially and ethnically diverse - cultural diversity

In many countries, the 21st century workforce is nationally, racially and ethnically diverse (cultural diversity). It is also older and made up of a more even balance of men and women. During the 20th century, various attempts were made to conflate nationality, ethnicity and race but in the 21st century these identities share very distinct characteristics. No longer does a person have to give up who they are to become a citizen of a country.
Addressing psychosocial issues needs to start with understanding the role of the person within the workplace, as well as their role in the family and in the community. This may have either a positive or negative effect on the person's recuperation and return to work. Family considerations include whether the household is a patriarchal or matriarchal household, varying kinships and extended family ties and religious culture. Ethnicity may also influence where people live and the institutions they are associated with. Understanding and dealing with cultural differences removes many of the obstacles that may impact on the treatment and recovery process thus achieving a more favorable final outcome.
Minder provides the ability to "match" the most appropriate resources to the "cultural diversity", establishing a harmonious group environment instead of one that is animus and adversarial which can often lead to an untrusting relationship between all parties involved in the treatment and recovery process.
claims administrators need to stand sentinel against adversarial claims if they intend to improve outcomes and reduce the total claim costs associated with a disability

Minder methodology reduces the occurrence of adversarial relationships between stakeholders through checks and balances which are applied throughout the claims process to ensure compassion and timeliness of services are applied thus promoting more collaborative relationships and ensuring those affected by the disability do not suffer unnecessarily.
Recently expressed concerns regarding the decline in quality of care, clinical outcome and lack of satisfaction from the person suffering the injury/illness only fuels the adversarial environment quite often experienced throughout the treatment and recovery process, which can lead to depression and anxiety for the person concerned. In the case of workers' compensation, this directly contradicts the "no fault" workers' compensation philosophy, the aim of which is to get the injured worker back to good health and gainful employment as speedily and practicably as possible. Minder's methodology assists the claims administrator in delivering this objective.